Business and government do not operate in isolation of one another. The policies and priorities of the one impact on the economic health and operation of the other. Our practice is about assisting and promoting the relationship between the sectors. We draw on our knowledge and relationships in law, in business and in government to help identify the issues and opportunities that are important to both government and business. We enable effective participation in the policy process and help promote positive policy, regulatory and legislative outcomes that bring government and business together.

We make it our business to understand your business and the policy issues that impact on it. We identify your key issues and risks and provide you with relevant advice when you need it. Also, we do not stand in isolation. Our practice is backed by key strategic relationships that enable us to supplement our own capabilities with specialist economic analysis, machinery of government and communications advice.

Strong state sector relationships and an extensive involvement in policy issues mean that we are able to add real value to your dealings with government. We can ensure that key decision makers take your issues and concerns into account. We can inform you of key policy, regulatory and legislative trends that may impact your business. And we can provide the legal and strategic advice that will help you with your policy formulation, risk management and strategic planning. We provide you with effective representation in the policy and legislative process and will help with:

  • government relations
  • contributing to legislative and regulatory development
  • legislation and regulation
  • regulatory issues, advice and review
  • review of domestic and international legal trends
  • monitoring legal and policy trends

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Knowledge and experience of constitutional and administrative law are at the heart of our practice. These areas are not just of academic interest. They provide the basis for accountability of government and the proper processes and procedures for the operation of the executive, parliament and public sector. The Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria is the supreme law in the country and the basis for civil, commercial and criminal laws. We accordingly advise on:

  • Constitution
  • parliamentary process
  • powers and duties of public bodies
  • public procurement
  • judicial review of public bodies and officials
  • access, advocacy and advice
  • administrative services and procedures
  • public law litigation